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Identification and Separation of Radioactive Isotope Beams by the BigRIPS Separator at the RIKEN RI Beam Factory

机译:放射性同位素束的鉴定与分离   RIKEN RI Beam Factory的BigRIps分离器



We have developed a method for achieving excellent resolving power inin-flight particle identification of radioactive isotope (RI) beams at theBigRIPS fragment separator at the RIKEN Nishina Center RI Beam Factory (RIBF).In the BigRIPS separator, RI beams are identified by their atomic number Z andmass-to-charge ratio A/Q which are deduced from the measurements of time offlight (TOF), magnetic rigidity (Brho) and energy loss (delta-E), and deliveredas tagged RI beams to a variety of experiments including secondary reactionmeasurements. High A/Q resolution is an essential requirement for this scheme,because the charge state Q of RI beams has to be identified at RIBF energiessuch as 200-300 MeV/nucleon. By precisely determining the Brho and TOF values,we have achieved relative A/Q resolution as good as 0.034% (root-mean-squarevalue). The achieved A/Q resolution is high enough to clearly identify thecharge state Q in the Z versus A/Q particle identification plot, wherefully-stripped and hydrogen-like peaks are very closely located. The preciseBrho determination is achieved by refined particle trajectory reconstruction,while a slew correction is performed to precisely determine the TOF value.Furthermore background events are thoroughly removed to improve reliability ofthe particle identification. In the present paper we present the details of theparticle identification scheme in the BigRIPS separator. The isotope separationin the BigRIPS separator is also briefly introduced.
机译:我们已经开发出一种方法,可以在RIKEN Nishina中心RI梁工厂(RIBF)的BigRIPS碎片分离器上实现出色的飞行中放射性同位素(RI)粒子识别的分辨力。 Z值和质荷比A / Q由时间关闭时间(TOF),磁刚度(Brho)和能量损耗(delta-E)的测量结果推导出来,并作为标记的RI光束交付给包括二次实验在内的各种实验反应措施。高的A / Q分辨率是此方案的基本要求,因为必须在RIBF能量(例如200-300 MeV /核子)下识别RI束的电荷状态Q。通过精确确定Brho和TOF值,我们获得了相对于A / Q分辨率的0.034%(均方根值)。达到的A / Q分辨率足够高,可以清晰地识别Z与A / Q颗粒识别图中的电荷状态Q,其中条带状峰和类氢峰非常靠近。精确的Brho测定是通过精细的粒子轨迹重建来实现的,同时执行斜率校正以精确确定TOF值。此外,彻底消除背景事件以提高粒子识别的可靠性。在本文中,我们介绍了BigRIPS分离器中颗粒识别方案的详细信息。还简要介绍了BigRIPS分离器中的同位素分离。



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